In our previous blogs, we explained the benefits of hiring one of our Virtual Assistants. By now, we’re conceding that everyone who operates a business would understand and acknowledge that a Virtual Assistant is a key to taking their business to that next level. That is why we came up with these tips on HOW to work with your next Virtual Assistant and take your business to the next level.
- Communicate, Communicate and Communicate Some More!
Like any other relationship, your relationship with your Virtual Assistant is most effective when you communicate openly with each other; communication is vital. Whether you’re communicating via email, text, phone calls, or video calls, communication is what will allow you to work well with your Virtual Assistant. Firstly, you will need to establish with your Virtual Assistant their preferred method of communication. Once this is established, try to communicate daily and go over tasks with your Virtual Assistant. It is also essential to communicate your expectations to your Virtual Assistant, so they know exactly what you want.
- Delegate Particular Tasks to Your Virtual Assistant.
Before hiring your Virtual Assistant, you must predetermine their roles and job description. One helpful tip is to delegate tasks you are not so good at to your Virtual Assistant. By doing this, your Virtual Assistant knows precisely what they should be doing at all times unless you give them other additional assignments. This will prevent wasted efforts and will save your business time and money.
- Provide Adequate Training
Most Virtual Assistants are skilled in particular areas, or at least our Virtual Assistants are highly skilled in their specialty areas. However, each business has its systems and tools. Therefore, when you hire your Virtual Assistant, you must share training documents on each system or platform used within your organization. This also includes sharing necessary passwords and databases with your Virtual Assistant, so they do not have to waste time gaining access. Take the time to ensure that your Virtual Assistant knows how to navigate each system or platform.
- Always Share Your Feedback
Once your Virtual Assistant completes their tasks, you must provide feedback. This will allow your Virtual Assistant to know your likes/dislikes. If this is not communicated with your Virtual Assistant, errors will become habits, which can subsequently hinder your business’s productivity.
Here at Red Rose, we carefully match our client’s needs with the available talent pool. Our Virtual Assistants are ready to help you and your business; they have a combination of skills and experience that are guaranteed to increase the productivity within your business.
We have a very tedious selection process, and this is to ensure that only the best join our team.