How to Avoid Burnout At Work

How to Avoid Burnout At Work

Here are Red Rose Staffing Services; we know that burnout can affect anyone in the workplace, from management to employees. Studies have shown that managers who embark on multiple tasks at once are more prone to burnout, while 40% of employees cite burnout as a top reason for leaving their jobs. Some signs of burnout include decreased productivity, lack of concentration, physical exhaustion, and a decline in mental and physical health.

What causes burnout?

Studies have shown that some of the most common causes of burnout include increased pressure, heavy workload, and minimal support.

You may ask yourself how to prevent or combat this in the workplace. Well, here are our top 3 tips on how to avoid burnout at work:


As cliché as it may sound, this is a crucial way to combat workplace burnout and starts from the management level. One of the leading causes of burnout is heavy workload/ overwork; if any worker constantly focuses on more than one task at once, they will likely experience burnout at some point. Encourage employees to focus on one task before moving on the next or implement strategies so that employees aren’t forced to focus on more than one thing at a time. This tip also applies to management or business owners as they are also prone to burnout if they constantly focus on many tasks at once.


The human body is not made to operate without rest. Rest is crucial to just about everything. Often our brains need a break to recover from constantly working. Therefore, resting and relaxing can help prevent burnout, and a balance of this should be encouraged in the workplace. It can be as small as encouraging workers to take a walk or to look away from the computer for a minute. Whatever it may be, the well-being of workers should be promoted, and the best way to do this is to implement break and rest times.


This tip is mainly geared towards management as they are the ones to decide who does what. Once it is established that an employee does not enjoy doing a particular task, it may be in their best interest to delegate that specific task to another person to avoid burnout. This also goes for business owners who do tasks they do not enjoy or know to do;  it may be in their best interest to delegate them to someone like a Virtual Assistant.

Companies should always strive to combat or prevent burnout in the workplace, and we hope this guide is practical when implementing strategies to avoid burnout.