Here at Red Rose Staffing Services, we know the challenges of hiring new workers. That is why we help great companies connect with highly skilled workers. Studies have shown that companies with excellent workers are bound to succeed. We are here to help you figure out what to look for when hiring a Virtual Assistant, especially if it is the first time. Here are ten common qualities among our VAs that you should look for when hiring a VA for your business.

#1 Reliability

I’m sure you expected this to be the first quality. The fact is reliability is crucial. What’s the point in having a Virtual Assistant proficient in all skills if the person is unreliable? Imagine you have a deadline to meet by the end of the week, and you ask your VA to ensure the deadline is met. However, this person is unreliable, so you’re not sure if you will even be able to meet this deadline. Get the picture? This will only hurt your business in the long run, hence the NEED for reliability.

Since your Virtual Assistant will be working remotely, they need a level of reliability and autonomy to perform tasks when required. You should feel confident that you can rely on your Virtual Assistant! At Red Rose Staffing Services, we pride ourselves on having the most reliable Virtual Assistants on our team.

#2 Excellent Communication

This quality involves BOTH written and oral communication. Before offering someone a position as a Virtual Assistant, ensure that they have effective communication skills when dealing with customers, responding to emails, and answering phone calls. Without this quality, any business can have dangerous outcomes, as one could imagine. Importantly, ensure that your VA can navigate different means of communication, as this can be crucial to the success of your business!

#3 Trustworthy and Honest

This is an essential quality for your Virtual Assistant. Remember,  Virtual Assistants, are attached to your company. Therefore they are privy to all your confidential information and company secrets. At Red Rose Staffing Services, our Virtual Assistants are contractually bound to keep clients’ confidential information and maintain the highest level of trustworthiness.

#4 Computer Literacy

This quality is probably one of the most important; the name of the job says it all. You are hiring a VIRTUAL assistant, meaning that this person MUST be computer literate since everything is being done online. Considering such a situation, a Virtual Assistant must know the features of the internet and/or the computer. Knowledge and experience of the computer and internet saves a lot of time and increase productivity for the business.

At Red Rose, we pride ourselves on that all our VAs possess these qualities. That is why we are ready to connect them to great companies,  no matter the size.